The Disappearance at the Cave House

Deep in the woods, far from the nearest town, there’s an old cave house that’s been abandoned for years. The structure looks like it grew out of the rock, with stone walls that seem to blend into the forest around it. You wouldn’t know it was there unless you stumbled across it by accident — and maybe it’s better that way.

Locals don’t talk much about the house, but there are stories. Some say it was built by a recluse who disappeared mysteriously, while others claim it’s much older than that, its origins lost to time. The house looks like something out of a fairy tale, but the kind that doesn’t have a happy ending. The door is heavy and worn, creaking when the wind picks up. There are windows, cracked and dirty, peering out like tired eyes.

A few years ago, a group of hikers went exploring in the forest. One of them, a guy named Mark, decided to take a closer look at the house. He stepped inside while his friends stayed behind. Minutes passed, then half an hour, and Mark didn’t come out. His friends got worried and went in after him, but the house was empty. No sign of Mark. They searched the woods, called his name, but he was gone. The police combed the area, but no one ever found him.

Now, people avoid the place. Some say they still hear strange noises at night — footsteps echoing through the trees or whispers carried on the wind. Others swear they’ve seen a light flickering in one of the windows, though no one dares to get close enough to check. The cave house stands there, silent, watching, and waiting. Whatever secrets it holds, it’s in no rush to give them up.

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